TIH Basic Strength Small Group Training

TIH Basic Strength Small Group Training


Small group is currently closed. Please check back in the future for the next round or contact me directly with questions!

If you don’t want to complete my TIH Basic Strength signature program on your own and would like the support of myself and others, this is the option for you! This option is open to 10 clients at a time and we will go through the entire program together.

After you purchase the program (grab it here) and the small group training upgrade, we will complete the 3-month program as a group. You will have access to a private Facebook group to share your progress, ask questions, and gain support. You’ll be able to interact with me and others within your cohort. This option is cheaper than 1-on-1 training, but allows you an opportunity to work with me in some capacity! You’ll get to ask clarifying questions about the program and complete the training with an incredible support team. We will have weekly check-ins, occasional lives, and unlimited opportunity for questions. Time zones don’t matter, all lives will be saved to watch later.

What you’ll get:

-Access to the Facebook group


-Ability to ask me any questions that arise

-Regular FB Lives with the opportunity for 1-on-1 chats to review your specific case

-Group support

-Movement tips

-And more!

Living with and managing chronic illness can be pretty lonely, so don’t do this alone too! Small group training improves results to help you heal. You’ll join a group of other chronic illness warriors who have conditions like Lyme disease, POTS/Dysautonomia, Chronic Fatigue, EDS, Autoimmune disease, and more. The unique experiences of each individual will enlighten all of those in the group.

Small group training will only consist of 10 people, so don’t miss out! This exclusive opportunity is only offered a couple of times a year. Increase your chances of success by getting the right support.

Remember you need to purchase the TIH Basic Strength ebook in order to join and complete Small Group Training.

*Please be sure to checkout using the best contact email. You will be emailed a link to join the Facebook group upon purchase.

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