TIH Basic Strength: A 3-Month Flexible Movement Program for Healing

TIH Basic Strength: A 3-Month Flexible Movement Program for Healing


-Do you struggle with fatigue that is keeping you from playing with your kids, attending friends birthdays, or spending quality time with family?

-Are you in pain and unable to enjoy life because you can’t stop thinking about what hurts or will start hurting next?

-Do your symptoms keep you from being able to complete the tasks necessary for daily living (like showering, making food, or keeping your home clean)?

I’ve been there. I’ve been bed bound, I’ve been controlled by pain, I’ve been knocked down by fatigue. But movement saved my life. Movement gave me freedom again and has allowed me to reduce my symptoms, increase my stamina, and live more of my life. Combined with a well rounded treatment plan for your condition, movement can help you heal too!

Do you want…

-To have more energy?

-Be in less pain?

-Be able to complete everything you want in your day?

-Feel less anxiety and be in a better mood?

-Be able to better manage your symptoms and feel in more control of your chronic illness and health status?

Then this program is for you! Keep reading to learn more.

I’ve spent over 10 years in the fitness industry perfecting my skills as a personal trainer. Since 2018, I have focused exclusively on working with the chronic illness and disability community after utilizing movement to aid in my own healing journey. I’ve learned what those with chronic health issues need and I’ve developed a formula that has benefited the many clients I’ve worked with. I’m now bringing you this knowledge for a fraction of the cost of working with me 1-on-1. You get a full 3-month basic strength program for an absolute steal! This program contains the basic building blocks I use with my clients to help them build strength and stamina, reduce and manage symptoms, and be able to complete activities of daily living more easily.

What you get:

-3 full months of workouts, broken down by week, complete with progressions and regressions

-Strength work AND (p)rehab work to help you build core strength, stabilize joints, improve stamina, and bulletproof your body from injury

-A guide on how to adjust the program to YOUR needs

-Printable calendar to track your workouts and progress

Each workout is written out with exercise descriptions and video tutorials. You have the ability to adjust the program to fit your situation. Even though it’s written out as a structured program, you’ll find there is the ability to adjust the program to your needs. There is flexibility because I know that everyone is at different levels and with different requirements. This program is filled with the exercises I used in my healing journey to help me go from bed-bound to daily movement again. These are exercises I use with my clients and come back to on the regular to keep my foundation strong.

And the entire program has been reviewed and approved by a licensed Physical Therapist! This program is valued at over $99, but you can get it for just $49.95!

This program is for EVERYONE! It is designed for those with chronic illness in mind, but anyone can complete it. This program is the core essentials that every person should be doing to build a strong foundation for life, other workouts, and advancing exercises. This is a great program to come back to after you’ve taken a break from exercise, overcome an injury, had any sort of setback, or just want to check in that you are keeping your foundational base strong.

If you deal with POTS, this program can help train your body to tolerate upright positions. If you struggle with EDS, this program can help strengthen muscles and joints to decrease pain. If you struggle with fatigue, this program is designed to move slowly, improving blood and lymphatic flow to work on increasing energy*. The entire program can be adjusted to your needs and extended as necessary.

If you want to amplify your results, you can join my Small Group Training. The small group training upgrade gives you access to me and 9 others for accountability, support, and guidance. You’ll be added to a private Facebook group where we will complete the program together, but I’m only taking a limited number of people. I run group training intermittently, you can click HERE to check if a session is available!

*I am not a doctor and this program is not designed to replace medical advice. Always speak with a health care professional about your specific case and before beginning any exercise protocol.

*If you are dealing with advanced CFS/ME or severe chronic illness, I highly suggest working with me or someone else 1:1 as this program is not tailored to adjust to extreme cases .

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